Session 31
Early life stress, maternal depression and antidepressants: developmental neurotoxicity aspects
Programme of the Session
- S31-01
The “neurotoxicology" of early life stress (ELS): perinatal epigenetic programming of synaptic and behavioral development
Katharina Braun
Zoology and Developmental Neurobiology, Institute of Biology, Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany - S31-02
Perinatal SSRIs, maternal stress, and their effects on social behaviors in male and female offspring
Jodi Pawluski
IRSET-INSERM UMR 1085, University of Rennes 1, Rennes, France - S31-03
Adrenocortical stress hormones as factors involved in negative developmental consequences of early life stress: corticosterone/cortisol vs. aldosterone
Daniela Jezova
Laboratory of Pharmacological Neuroendocrinology, Institute of Experimental Endocrinology, Biomedical Research Center, Slovak Academy of Sciences,, Bratislava, Slovakia - S31-04
Neuroendocrine and neurobehavioral toxicity of antidepressant treatment in pregnancy and lactation
Michal Dubovicky
Department of Developmental and Behavioral Toxicology, Institute of Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia
Session Abstract
It has been well documented that early life stress, maternal depression and antidepressants in pregnancy and lactation can have long term adverse effects on functional brain development and behavior of offspring on a variety of domains. The proposed symposium brings together leading researchers in the field who are investigating how early life factors, such as excessive stress, depression and antidepressants can interact with the developing brain Both clinical and preclinical studies will be presented providing a translational approach which will foster discussion for future research. Understanding of individual aspects of developmental neurotoxicity of early life experiences, stress and drugs on the developing brain can ultimately improve the health and well-being of subsequent generations.