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Session 23

Hands-on risk assessment in the 21st century: reports from the front line

Programme of the Session

  • S23-01
    The HESI Risk 21 project: an innovative tool in risk assessment

    Alan Boobis1, Michelle Embry2, Timothy Pastoor3
    1Centre for Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom; 2ILSI Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI), Washington, DC, United States; 3Pastoor Science Communication, LLC, Greensboro, NC, United Kingdom

  • S23-02
    The EU-ToxRisk project: an integrated program driving mechanism-based toxicity testing and risk assessment

    Bob van de Water 
    Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands

  • S23-03
    Hands-on risk assessment in the 21st century- the ECHA perspective

    David Bell
    Evaluation Directorate, European Chemicals Agency, Helsinki, Finland

  • S23-04
    Concawe’s approach towards human health risk assessment in the 21st century: hands-on experience from the petroleum industry

    Hans Ketelslegers
    Concawe, Health, European Petroleum Refiners Association, Brussels, Belgium
  • S23-05
    New approach methods for emerging chemicals policy challenges

    Andrew Worth, Maurice Whelan
    European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Directorate F – Health, Consumers and Reference Materials, Chemical Safety and Alternative Methods Unit, European Union Reference Laboratory for Alternatives to Animal Testing

Session Abstract

Overall, risk assessment in the 21st century is focusing on pragmatic ways to comply with regulation while minimizing the reliance on animal testing and at the same time not underestimating hazard. Progress is being made with new tools, methodologies and data sets, with a distinction between short term and longer term more sustainable solutions. These new approaches and methodologies have been discussed in many general sessions on the topic. This informal session will provide a different perspective by focusing on practical hands on aspects and will draw on the experience of those in the front line from different sectors to highlight challenges and opportunities of using these novel data sets in risk assessment. The session will open by demonstrating the HESI Risk 21 tool, created to address a needed transition in toxicology, exposure and risk assessment methodology and communication.  The second talk will highlight the current state of the science and how it might progress with an emphasis on the development of non-animal methods.  The third talk will present early results from the Horizon 2020 EUTox Risk Project, which intends to be a flagship for animal-free chemical safety assessment.  Building on this, the fourth talk will consider how to apply new science and tools but from a regulatory perspective.  The session will conclude by presenting the results of ongoing research being generated in support of REACH registrations.   In summary, much has been said about ongoing research programmes and the potential of new methodologies; the session will focus on presenting results, examples and outcomes from practicing toxicologists.  

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