By Car
Approximate distance and travel time from selected European cities to Bratislava:
Vienna: 70 km, 1 hourBudapest: 200 km, 2 hours 15 minutes
Prague: 340 km, 3 hours 30 minutes
Zagreb: 420 km, 4 hours 50 minutes
Krakow: 420 km, 5 hours 30 minutes
Munich: 490 km, 5 hours 30 minutes
Belgrade: 570 km, 6 hours 10 minutes
Berlin: 690 km, 7 hours 30 minutes
Warsaw : 675 km, 7 hours 30 minutes
Rome: 1150 km, 12 hours
Brussels: 1200 km, 12 hours
Paris: 1330 km, 13 hours
Kiev: 1330 km, 18 hours
London: 1560 km, 16 hours
Main road connections you might be interested in:
From the Czech Republic:to Bratislava: D2 motorway Prague – Brno – Bratislava
to the Central Slovakia: E50 Brno – Uherské Hradište – Trenčín
to the north of Slovakia: E75 Ostrava – Čadca – Žilina
A6 – D4 motorway Vienna – Bratislava
From Hungary:to Bratislava: E65 Budapest – Győr – Bratislava (D2 motorway)
to the Central Slovakia: E77 Budapest – Šahy – Zvolen (road No. 66)
to the Eastern Slovakia: E71 Miškolc – Košice
E50 Užgorod – Michalovce
From Poland:to the west of Slovakia: S69 Bielsko Biała – Żywiec – Čadca
to the Central Slovakia, to Tatras: E77 Kraków – Ružomberok
to to Eastern Slovakia: E371 Rzeszów – Svidník - Prešov